Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Above: Yes, Mrs.Forest does exist and took time out to pose for this picture.

Above: It's actually in thinset!

Above: Looking good at 2 am!

Above: Little bastard next to the hole in the widow sash. Not sure why it's dead, maybe the female kills the male after mating.

Above: Sawdust from the carpenter bees, we thought it was pollen at first.


Danielle and Clint said...

The floor is beautiful! Love it! As for the bees...yikes! That can't be good.

Mr. Forest said...

Thanks! We searched forever for the the basket weave pattern in ceramic and could only find it in marble (just a lot out of our $$$ range). Finally found it at a local store: http://foresthall.blogspot.com/2008/12/ok-lets-get-back-on-track.html