Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quick update.

We actually got the 4 sheets of drywall off the porch and into the house last night. Just in time to get away from the coming snowstorm! The current status is 4 sheets on 3rd floor, 1 sheet on 2nd and 4 sheets on the 1st floor. The whole operation is a little crazy and could produce some good material for America's Funniest Home Videos!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Mrs. Forest put a few more rows of tile in the shower area and it looks really good. Now the window and door trim needs to be stripped and put back into place so that tiling can continue around the room. Also, the wall surface right above the tub knee wall needs to evened out before tiling can continue on the toilet wall.

I also managed to pickup 9 sheets of drywall this past weekend for the 3rd floor, interim, kids/play room ceiling. They were ordered online from Lowes for instore pickup because we had a coupon that was expiring while I was out on a business trip. And I didn't think Mrs. Forest could have managed picking up drywall by herself!

Of course, I had time before my trip to get the drywall before the coupon expired, but just like the bathroom floor tile, my procrastination worked in my favor! When I went to Lowes (by myself) to pickup my order I was not looking forward to loading the drywall onto the cart then into the van. I got to customer service and was pleasantly surprised to hear "Ok, wait here and they will bring your order out." Yup, that's right - 9 sheets of drywall preloaded on the cart for me!

Loading into the van wasn't too difficult as they were only 3/8" thick and I separated the pairs before loading. Now getting them to the 3rd floor is the real challange. Rather than walk them up the stairs with the help of a family member or neighbor, Mrs. Forest and decided to try a different plan.

The plan was to lift the sheets vertically up the stairway opening with me lifting from the stairs and Mrs. Forest lifting from below. We would lift together and I would hold the sheet while Mrs. Forest ran up the stairs to my level to help lift the sheet to the 2nd floor. The sheet could then rest on the ledge on the outside of the 2nd floor railing. Then repeat lifting to 3rd floor.

Surprisingly it worked like a charm except that Mrs. Forest had to stop after 2 1/2 sheets. now we have 2 sheets on the 3rd floor, 1 sheet on the 2nd floor, 2 sheets on the 1st floor and 4 sheets still on the porch. Hopefully, it won't stay that way for too long.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Q: What's better than going into the office on Superbowl Sunday?

A: Coming home and finding more progress on the bathroom wall tiles!

Yup, Mrs. Forest is on a mission here! Go, Mrs. Forest, go!

This April will mark the 4th anniversary of the bathroom project and we really hope that it will be one anniversary that we don't make. Below is just a little reminder of why we decided to endure years of showering in the basement and running downstairs to use the twalet (that's French for toilet).

Notice the broken shower door - curtain rod frame, linoleum sheet tub surround, and finished with cracked and chipping plaster walls and ceiling!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm still pinching myself, but it's true.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have tile on the walls!!!!

Below: First Row!

Below: Mrs. Forest hard at work.

Below: Mr. Forest hard at work!

Below: Good stopping point.

We had to go to my mom's for dinner so the work time got cut short. When we got home we were half expecting to see some fallen tiles in the tub. In reality there would have been but this is only a dream, right? OUCH! Nope, it's real and all tiles are still on the walls!

Great job, Mrs. Forest!