Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another project...

Yup, another project. I know I should really finish the bathroom first but it's cold outside. Actually sometimes it's colder inside!

In an effort to keep the cold out I figured storm windows would be a great solution. But getting custom storm windows just isn't in the budget. So I searched "DIY storm windows" on the internet and came across a great idea for making interior storm windows at Historic Homeworks.

I made my prototype and it looks like the interior storms will do the trick. Now just in time to help me really tackle the project, http://www.oneprojectcloser.com/ is giving away a Dewalt Track Saw. Looks like a really cool tool, what a great giveaway!


johnleeke said...

Thanks for posting the link to my Forum.

May I post your photo there?

How long did it take to make yours?

If you don't mind, may I ask what your costs were?

Has it had any effect on how that room feels?


Mr. Forest said...


Thank you for having such great info on your site. Of course you can post my photo, I took more pictures of the one I recently made and plan to put those up soon. You can post those too if you would like.

I listed a rough cost on my latest post and plan to go into more detail soon. It's hard to tell a difference in the room yet because there's a gap in one panel that needs some more weather stripping. Plus the room has other areas that need to be sealed.
